Florida's Data Dictionary and Downloads
Implementation Tool Kit
The Key Users designated by your agency are a vital component of the EMSTARS/biospatial program and will make significant contributions to its success. They will work closely with the EMSTARS Team and will have frequent tasks to complete within the EMSTARS/biospatial program.
For agencies new to the EMSTARS/biospatial program with no current key users, fill out the EMSTARS Key User Request Form. Otherwise please follow the instruction in the Florida's Data Dictionary
Key user tasks can be broken into four sections:
Account Management, Data Submission, and Interaction with the EMSTARS Team are described in detail in Section 9 of the Florida's Data Dictionary .
User Support along with other useful information is found in the Key User Technical Reference that provides other important information to Key Users that is not found in the Florida Data Dictionary v3.X. Please review the EMSTARS key User Technical Reference for complete details.
User Support is broken into two sections:
Other Key User information is broken into three sections: